About the Founder & CEO, Alice Chou
About Me
Meet The Little Wild Strawberry
My story begins on the tranquil island of Kinmen County, Taiwan, where I was affectionately nicknamed ‘Strawberry’ by my parents. A tribute to the wild strawberries my mother savoured for sustenance while working the fields during her pregnancy. She hoped I’d be just as resilient as those berries, thriving in tough spots. And guess what? It stuck with me.
As a child, I was all about fun and adventures. But, life threw in a twist when I joined my dad’s school. Being the teacher’s daughter, my academic prowess didn’t sit well with the others. Being called names stung, but my mum was my rock. She’d have me recite: “I am strong, I am beautiful, I am intelligent” in front of the mirror. Those words became my armour against the bullies.
Then, at sixteen, I had this nasty scooter accident that broke way more than my teeth and knee – it broke my spirit. But my dad, the ever the wise one, nudged me towards gratitude. “Be thankful you’re alive,” he’d say. And that changed everything for me.
Fast forward past university and into the corporate world, something wasn’t right. I wasn’t happy. It was only after a decade in the corporate world that Steve Jobs’s words ignited a spark within me, propelling me towards a career that resonated with my heart—teaching English to children, fostering their confidence and joy in learning. The spark in their eyes was priceless.
But at 35, life called for a bold move. Chasing a dream isn’t easy, especially with voices around saying you’re too old or it’s too late. My own family doubted me. Yet, I took the leap to Australia, alone.
Teaching turned into leadership, and I flourished. As an Early Childhood Teacher, I’ve impacted hundreds, coaching mothers and families to find empowerment and resilience within themselves, which, in turn, transformed my own leadership.
So, here I am, having danced with life’s ups and downs, ready to share it all. Through my Transformation coaching program, Finding the I, my mission is to empower women to find their sparkle, embrace their stories, and never dim their light.
Today, my mission is clear – to help women rediscover their worth and live life with zest. Finding the I Transformation Coaching Program is dedicated to empowering women to embrace their singular stories and shine brightly, creating a cascade of positive change. I stand as a beacon, a testament to the transformative power of resilience, self-love and worth and the courage to dream.
Because if this little wild strawberry could do it, so can you!
Do You Know Your Why?
Life took an unexpected turn in 2017 when a breakup forced introspection. But through that pain, I discovered a powerful truth. It wasn’t about me not being good enough. It was about finding my self-love and embracing my unique authenticity. I realised I had been seeking validation and love from others instead of cultivating it within myself because I didn’t have values and didn’t believe I was worthy of love.
That realisation led me on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. I committed myself to becoming the best version of myself because I was not going back to the ‘old me’. After eight years of implementing all the wisdom and skills I have learned over the past 30 years, I crafted seven steps with a proven framework. This led me to the result: I found my self-love and self-worth, truly embraced who I am, and found the love of my life—a man who loves my authenticity and values.
I want to inspire and impact women by asking the same questions I did many years ago: “Why am I never good enough for you?” “Why can I not find someone who just loves who I am?” “Why am I not living the best vision of my life?” they are not alone because I have been there. I know what it feels like to be where they are now: sadness, loneliness, heartbreak, desperation, struggles, worries, what keeps them up at night, self-doubt, feeling like an imposter, compromising their values and being silent about their authentic voice.
But I also know what it feels like to be on the other side to become the woman they meant to be. To believe in themselves again. To reconnect their self-love and self-worth. Embrace their uniqueness, and love who they are because they are one of a kind. To find love and be loved. To say proudly, “I am enough, and I am worthy!” To feel confident and passionate.
My past mess has become my empowering message; my transformation journey is a powerhouse for other women. I am living proof. If I can, they can, too! This is my BIG WHY! This is how ‘Finding the I’ formed in the beginning.
Now, at age 46, my mission is to empower women to embrace their unique authenticity, rediscover their self-love and self-worth, and live fulfilling lives with love, joy, passion, and confidence through the Finding the I Transformation Program. It’s time to bring back our sparkles and shine our lights. Together, we can create a positive ripple effect in our lives and the world around us.
Alice Chou
Founder & CEO
Unlock Your True Self with Finding the I
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