My father’s wisdom of life

Today, I want to talk about my father and how he guided, mentored, and inspired me from his life wisdom. At age 16, I started secondary school. I was successful in academic grades and had a group of close friends. I felt my future was so bright until one night, during the summer holiday, it […]
The String of Pearls

In 2022, Actor Jonah Hill directed a Netflix documentary, Stutz, to share the value of life teaching and strategies from his therapist, Dr. Phill Stutz. His theory of ‘The String of Pearls’ inspired me profoundly, and I would love to share it with you today. Stutz explained that each Pearl is an action we take […]
Dare to dream!

Have you ever had a dream that was too big and shared it with your loved ones? Instead of support, the responses you received were, “You are too old”, “It’s too late”, “You will never achieve it”, or “You are crazy”. You are not alone. I am one of the dreamers. In September 2011, I […]